Roddy introduces audiences to a phenomenon that is necessary to achieve goals on any stage – in offices and industries each and every day. How scrappy people, teams, and companies can accomplish more and be more effective. Roddy explains how to use The Scrappy Factor as part of our fundamental foundation.
In a world where policy, procedure, and sheet music dictate performance, our ability to live outside of others’ expectations is diminished. Roddy shows audiences how to tap into their innate leadership instincts to rise to their own potential within the context of any organization.
There are specific reasons why rockstars become well known. They become household brand names by being more than simply talented individuals. Roddy has spent decades touring alongside some of the biggest rockstars and shares the secrets to performing effectively from some of the largest stages in the world — and how you can use those secrets in your everyday life.
Challenges in life are inevitable. But what happens when uncommon performance principles are mixed with discipline and perseverance? Roddy uses his life experience of touring with the music industry’s greatest stars plus his years of performance training at the best academies – to captivate audiences and show them that a challenge or mistake is the start of achieving the extraordinary.